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How Brewers Yeast Changed My Breastfeeding Game

Round two with breastfeeding started off much better than the first time. This one latches! Yay party dance! But I still struggle with supply issues. With my first son I tried to pump and pump and pump (every 2 hour's) it just was NOT happening for me. I got myself all upset, I cried, I was depressed. I gave up in three month's after trying teas, fenugreek, and power-pumping. I was defeated, he was going to be a formula baby. He was okay with that, he was getting fed. Because truly FED is best. I won't get on a sanctimonious high horse and try to convince anyone otherwise.

The time came for baby #2 and I had my fingers and toes crossed the whole time.

He was born and ALAS! He latched!

But I was spending probably 20 hours a day nursing this kid for the first two weeks. I was KILLING myself (considering I have two other kids to be taking care of too). It just seemed like he was never getting enough (I know that's normal, but I couldn't deal anymore) he started getting supplemental bottles in between feedings. This saved my life, because my body had time to replenish the supply. I also did some research on pinterest and Amazon and that led me to brewers yeast. (Doctor's suggest drinking one hoppy beer a day to help, but this mama doesn't like beer). I ordered

I ordered a 500 count bottle and started taking it two days later (Amazon prime for the win!) I noticed a change the second day. It worked! I was actually producing more. I checked by pumping, 10 minutes (and I got two ounces) whereas before I'd get almost nothing. As the four weeks progressed my baby went down from having about 5 bottles a day... To sometimes only 1 at night. Of course he has his insatiable day's (but who doesn't) but this stuff works. I even have more energy to get stuff done. I NEVER had energy before.

I don't have picture proof of bagged milk like the other mommas who wrote reviews on the product page, but seriously trust me... it changed my life.

Now as with everything in life, this doesn't work for everyone in the world. Just like fenugreek didn't do the trick for me, or the teas. But this stuff is worth the try. I even have extra energy (since I don't sleep and totally need the boost). In my research I came across some other products that claim to help boost supply too.

Repeat after me:


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